Receiving environment objectives

Receiving environment objectives set the goals of stormwater management. Typically conceived in terms of water quality, quantity and cultural objectives, they can also be expanded to include other objectives as well, e.g. landscape.

Quality objectives

Quality objectives are generally set out in planning documents, and relevant regional and national documents are provided below.

Land and Water Regional Plan (LWRP)
The Environment Canterbury Land and Water Regional Plan contains a wide variety of receiving environment objectives. An example are the receiving water standards in Schedule 5.

Regional catchment plans
As well as the LWRP, the objectives in the regional catchment plans need to be considered where available:

National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management
The NPS on Freshwater Management provides direction on how local authorities should carry out their responsibilities for managing fresh water.

Stormwater Management Plans
Stormwater management plans are prepared by territorial authorities to manage stormwater in a particular area. Territorial authorities should be approached to ask

Quantity objectives

Quantity objectives for a particular site need to be discussed with the relevant territorial authority as they are very site specific depending on the sensitivity of the receiving environment.

Cultural objectives

Ngāi Tahu Freshwater Policy
The Ngāi Tahu Freshwater Policy (PDF 1.03 MB) includes the environmental outcomes in freshwater sought by Ngāi Tahu, and the principles by which Ngāi Tahu expect freshwater to be managed.

Iwi Management Plans
Iwi management plans (IMPs) are important in assisting with the identification of Ngāi Tahu cultural values. Each IMP covers a different area, and there is advice on the Environment Canterbury website for which IMP applies to which area.